Moredun is committed to promoting livestock health and welfare through research and education.
Livestock Diseases and Research Directory

About the Moredun Group
Moredun is committed to promoting livestock health and welfare through research and education and is recognised worldwide for its contribution to research into infectious diseases of farmed livestock.
Established by Scottish farmers in 1920, Moredun’s work has always been firmly based on addressing the needs of the farming industry.
Moredun’s research has led to the development of many vaccines, diagnostic tests and improved treatment strategies for farm animals across the globe.

Become a Member of the Moredun Foundation
As a Moredun member you will help support vital projects, help us increase our lobbying power and ensure that we can continue to lead the way in livestock health research.
In return Moredun membership ensures you receive comprehensive and commercial unbiased information on a wealth of livestock health topics as well as other benefits.

Equine Grass Sickness Fund
Equine grass sickness (EGS) is a debilitating and frequently fatal disease of horses, ponies and donkeys, which commonly presents as impaired activity of the gut, caused by nervous system damage.
Cases occur frequently, but not exclusively, in northern European countries, particularly Great Britain. The disease occurs almost exclusively in horses with access to grass, but even though the condition was first identified around 1907, the true cause of EGS remains unknown.
Latest News

SCOPS Nematodirus Forecast: Essential tool for determining flock risk amid recent warmer weather
The Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS) Group is once again offering its invaluable Nematodirus Forecast to help farmers, vets and advisers identify when lambs might be at risk...
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Moredun-led Sheep Scab Control Programme Highly Commended in Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards
Moredun has been highly commended for the Place-based Impact Award at Interface’s 10th Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards for its role in the Scottish Government-funded Sheep Scab Control Programme on Lewis...
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