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Moredun Scientific, in collaboration with Intervacc, awarded prestigious Eurostars grant to advance a new prototype vaccine against Streptococcus suis infection in pigs

Moredun Scientific, together with Intervacc AB, has been awarded a grant from the Eurostars-3 programme to further develop Intervacc’s prototype vaccine against Streptococcus suis infections in pigs.  Moredun Scientific will develop a new challenge model for serotype 9 S. suis, conduct vaccine efficacy studies, carry out an analysis of porcine immune function in response to vaccination and develop S. suis diagnostic assays.

S.suis causes meningitis, septicaemia and arthritis in young piglets, leading to significant costs to the pig industry throughout the world. A particular challenge for vaccines against S. suisis the onset of disease in very young pigs shortly after weaning, before most vaccines have an opportunity to take effect. However, in proof-of-concept studies, the consumption of colostrum from sows that were vaccinated with Intervacc’s prototype vaccine provided significant levels of protection to piglets against S. suis serotype 2 at both 4 and 7 weeks of age. The control of disease caused by S. suis currently requires the extensive use of antibiotics. S. suis is also an important cause of zoonotic disease in humans. Therefore, the development of a safe and effective vaccine that protects piglets is an urgent unmet need.

Rhona Macdonald, Managing Director of Moredun Scientific commented

 “We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Intervacc, which brings our expertise in infectious disease models and porcine immunology to support the further development of their S. suis vaccine.”

Dr. Andrew Waller, CSO of Intervacc said.

“We are delighted to be continuing our  work with Moredun Scientific in this Eurostars project grant, which will optimise vaccine production and measure protection against a diverse disease-causing serotype of S. suis, directing the design of pivotal clinical trials to demonstrate protection against all serotypes of S. suis.”

The project will also be conducted in collaboration with Testa Center, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the Karolinska Institute.

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