Dr John Mackinnon
Job Title:
Chairman of Moredun Scientific
John graduated in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery from The Royal Veterinary College, University of London. He is a Fellow of the RCVS for studies in the use of antibiotics in livestock production and holds the RCVS Certificate in Pig Medicine. He is a former President of the Pig Veterinary Society and was the inaugural President of the European Association for Porcine Health and Management.
After a short time in mixed practice, followed by a period in industry as Technical Services Manager for Elanco Animal Health and subsequently Senior Research Veterinarian at the Lilly Research Laboratories, John returned to veterinary practice. For 30 years until his retirement in 2017 he specialised in pig medicine and production, becoming a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Advanced Practitioner in pig medicine.
As well a member of the Moredun Foundation Board, John is also Chairman of Moredun Scientific Ltd.