Dr Kate Richards
Kate graduated from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh and worked as a farm animal vet and as a partner in a large mixed practice. Kate then joined a global pharmaceutical company as a livestock veterinary advisor and gained a Diploma in Marketing.
Joined Defra in 2003 as a veterinary adviser for on-farm welfare, Kate progressed to senior civil service positions across Whitehall, including managing the Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee which considered risks surrounding BSE and vCJD, and was then promoted to Principal Private Secretary for three successive Secretaries of State for Scotland. She worked with the Cabinet Office, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Home Office, Number 10 and the Ambassador to the Holy See on the visit of the Holy See to the UK in 2010.
Kate was elected to the Council of the British Cattle Veterinary Association 2004 2010 and was a Trustee o f the Animal Welfare Foundation 2014 2017, in both roles bringing her
experience of the livestock sector to developing policy positions and reviewing research funding applications.
Her non executive experience also includes serving on the Boards of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), Scottish A griculture College (SAC) Commercial and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Council. Elected to the RCVS in 2015, Kate was elected President in 2021/2022 and is currently Senior Vice President as well as Chair of the RCVS Education Committee. She previously held the post of Chair of the RCVS Standards Committee.
Kate has served on the Board of The Moredun Foundation since December 2012 and, having served three terms of office, retired in September 2022.