The World of Sheep and Goats (UK delivery)
A global view of small ruminant production gives a fascinating and truly global insight into the daily lives of vets, livestock keepers and the sheep and goats in their care. Featuring over 400 images and accompanying texts from over 50 countries, this collection was first displayed at the 9th International Sheep Veterinary Congress in Harrogate in 2017.
**All profits from this book will go to the Karl Linklater Fund, which will help delegates from emerging countries to attend the 10th International Sheep Veterinary Congress in Seville in 2023. The Karl Linklater Fund is administered by the Moredun Foundation, a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC022515**
A4 Paperback, 160 pages
First published June 2018
Rest of world shipping – for UK delivery please order here
Price inclusive of postage and packaging (for non UK shipping)
The World of Sheep and Goats (UK delivery)