Nuno Silva
Job Title:
Senior Research Scientist
Contact Email:
Contact Number:
0131 4455 111
Moredun Research Institute,
Pentlands Science Park,
Bush Loan,
Midlothian EH26 0PZ
Job Role
Nuno’s role is to conduct innovative research and manage staff to deliver these multiple research for a range of project funders (e.g. Scottish Government, EU, and I-UK).
Nuno Silva graduated in Biology from the University of Azores in 2000 and completed a PhD degree in Molecular Microbiology at the Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow in November 2006, with a thesis entitled “Genetic analysis of virulence of Streptococcus pneumoniae”.
After his PhD, Nuno was invited to join Progenika Inc as a senior scientist. On his return to Portugal, he joined STAB VIDA as Team Leader of the Vet Genetic department. After this period, Nuno Silva joined the Animal and Veterinary Research Center (CECAV) at University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) as an auxiliary researcher. There, he developed his research in Antimicrobial Resistance in wildlife, farm animals and the environment.
In 2016, Nuno Silva joined Moredun to set up a new research project to focus on Antimicrobial Resistance initially working on ovine mastitis, molecular mechanisms involved in conferring resistance in bacterial pathogens and, the impact of livestock farming practices on zoonotic disease and AMR transmission.
Nuno’s scientific interests also includes exploring potential alternatives to antimicrobials in livestock and aquaculture.
Current Research
- Understanding the development and spread and, associated risks of AMR bacteria and ARGs through the farming management practices and into food animals
- The potential impact of AMR in wild life, environment and farm animals
- Tackling AMR, through the development of novel products and antimicrobial alternatives, targeted specific animal infectious diseases and increase feed energy conversion in livestock and aquaculture.
Recent Grants:
- EU-H2020: NeoGiANT: The power of grape extracts: antimicrobial and antioxidant properties to prevent the use of antibiotics in farmed animals. H2020-LC-GD-2020-4, topic LC-GD-6-1-2020 (project no101036768) 8.38M €. Project Co-I; work package leader. 2021-2025
- Hannah Dairy Research Foundation: Development of a LAMP based assay to identify bacterial species causing clinical mastitis in cattle. £25K. Project Co-I.
- Innovate UK /Department of Health/ Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) grant: UK-China collaboration to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR) (Grant no I-UK 104981). “Multifunctionalized Microalgae (MM) – A novel and flexible platform technology for maximising feed/energy conversion ratios and treating severe infections in livestock”, 2018-2022. Innovate UK £750k; MoST £570k. Project Co-I; work package leader.
Selected Publications
- Deborah V. Hoyle,
- Marianne Keith,
- Helen Williamson,
- Kareen Macleod,
- Heather Mathie,
- Ian Handel,
- Carol Currie,
- Anne Holmes,
- Lesley Allison,
- Rebecca McLean,
- Rebecca Callaby,
- Thibaud Porphyre,
- Sue C. Tongue,
- Madeleine K. Henry,
- Judith Evans,
- George J. Gunn,
- David L. Gally,
- Nuno Silva,
- Margo E. Chase-Topping,
- Silva, N.,
- Radhouani, H.,
- Goncalves, A.,
- Araujo, C.,
- Rodrigues, J.,
- Igrejas, G.,
- Poeta, P.,
- Silva, N.A.,
- McCluskey, J.|Jefferies, J.M.C.,
- Hinds, J.,
- Smith, A.,
- Clarke, S.C.,
- Mitchell, T.J.,
- Paterson, G.K.,