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Scientific Papers

Published Year: 2009
  • Munoz, M.,
  • Dekgado, L.,
  • Verna, A.,
  • Benavides, J.,
  • Garcia-Pariente, C.,
  • Fuertes, M.,
  • Ferreras, M.C.,
  • Garcia-Marin, J.F.,
  • Perez, V.,

Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 32, 3, pp239-252.

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Published Year: 2009
  • McInnes, C.J.,
  • Coulter, L.,
  • Dagleish, M.P.,
  • Fiegna, C.,
  • Gilray, J.,
  • Willoughby, K.,
  • Cole, M.,
  • Milne, E.,
  • Meredith, A.,
  • Everest, D.J.,
  • MAcMaster, A-M.,

Vet Record, 164, 17, pp528-531.

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Published Year: 2009
  • McInnes, C.J.,
  • Coulter, L.,
  • Dagleish, M.P.,
  • Fiegna, C.,
  • Gilray, J.,
  • Willoughby, K.,
  • Cole, M.,
  • Milne, E.,
  • Meredith, A.,
  • Everest, D.J.,
  • MAcMaster, A-M.,

Vet Record, 164, 17, pp528-531.

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Published Year: 2009
  • Hoglund, J.,
  • Gustafsson, K.,
  • Ljungstrom, B-L.,
  • Engstrom, A.,
  • Donnan, A.,
  • Skuce, P.,

Veterinary Parasitology, 161, 1-2, pp60-68.

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Published Year: 2009
  • McNair, C.M.,
  • Nisbet, A.J.,
  • Billingsley, P.F.,
  • Knox, D.P.,

Parasitology, 136, 4, pp453-460

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Published Year: 2009
  • Minna Kujala,
  • Ian R. Dohoo,
  • Minna Laakso,
  • Christian Schnier,
  • Timo Soveri,

Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 89, 3-4, pp227-236.

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Published Year: 2009
  • Sachse, K.,
  • Vretou, E.,
  • Livngstone, M.,
  • Borel, N.,
  • Pospischil, A.,
  • Longbottom, D.,

Veterinary Microbiology, 135, 1-2, pp2-21.

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Published Year: 2009
  • Milne, C.E.,
  • Gunn, G.J.,
  • Entrican, G.,
  • Longbottom, D.,

Veterinary Microbiology, 135, 1-2, pp128-133.

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Published Year: 2009
  • Rocchi, M.S.,
  • Wattegedera, S.,
  • Meridiani, I.,
  • Entrican, G.,

Veterinary Microbiology, 135, 1-2, pp112-121

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Published Year: 2009
  • Wilson, K.,
  • Livingstone, M.,
  • Longbottom, D.,

Veterinary Microbiology, 135, 1-2, pp38-45.

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Published Year: 2009
  • Entrican, G.,
  • Wattegedera, S.,
  • Rocchi, M.,
  • Wheelhouse, N.,

Veterinary Microbiology, 135, 1-2, pp98-102.

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