Dr Jonathan Shepherd
(BSc, PhD)Job Title:
Board Member - Moredun Scientific Ltd.
Jonathan Shepherd has degrees in Veterinary Science, Technological Economics and a PhD in the economics of aquaculture. From 1972 he was a Research Fellow and then Deputy Director of Stirling University’s Unit of Aquatic Pathobiology (later renamed the Institute of Aquaculture). At the same time he was warden of a University Hall of Residence and a member of the University’s Academic Council.
In 1976 Jonathan left academic life to start his own aquaculture consultancy firm in partnership with British Petroleum. Thereafter he held a series of senior posts in Unilever, Peter Hand and Norsk Hydro connected with fish farming, pharmaceuticals, and feed manufacture.
From 2000 to 2004 he was Group Managing Director of BioMar A/S based at the Danish head office; this involved strategic planning as well as profit responsibility, while overseeing international production, sales and finance functions.
In 2004 Jonathan was appointed Director General of The International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation (IFFO), which is a UK-based not-for-profit trade association, which represents fishing companies producing fishmeal and fish oil, as well as allied trades worldwide. This has been a modernisation role, including unifying a disparate board of directors around a change agenda; transforming the organisation from being producer-led to having an overall value chain focus; and launching the global industry standard for responsible supply.
Jonathan Shepherd retired from IFFO in December 2011 and joined the board of the US public company, Omega Protein, Inc. as a non-executive director and chairman of their scientific committee. He has since retired from Omega Protein to join the board of the UK Seafish Industry Authority (‘Seafish’) as a non-executive director.
In addition to advisory work, Jonathan is also involved in voluntary work with charities and his local church.