Tim Bailey
Job Title:
Board Member
Tim has been the Chief Executive of SAOS since March 2019 where he has overall responsibility for SAOS strategy, resources, governance, and external relationships. He is a Director of Food Integrity Assurance Limited, SmartRural Operations Limited, Aiir Networks Limited and Scottish Agricultural & Rural Development Centre Limited.
He has spent 28 years working within the agricultural sector. He is a qualified veterinary surgeon and spent 4 years in a predominantly large animal practice until 2000, then two years as a vet with the biotechnology pharma company PPL Therapeutics. From 2002 to 2008 he worked within firstly technical, then strategic account management roles within the farm and food quality assurance space in Scotland for SFQC Limited working within the red meat, dairy, combinable crops, organic and venison sectors. From 2008 to 2019 he was promoted into executive leadership roles for Acoura which provided supply chain assurance from agriculture to food processing and into retail and hospitality sectors.
From a policy experience perspective, Tim has a good and current knowledge of proposed agricultural policy and process development by virtue of sitting as a Scottish Government appointed member on their Agricultural Reform Implementation Oversight Board (ARIOB), which is responsible for co-design and development of new Scottish agricultural policy since its inception in 2021. Prior to that he sat on the Scottish Government Suckler Beef Climate Group and contributed to the Dairy Climate Group as well. He has had regular contact with the agricultural research space including developing good working relationships with not only SEFARI Gateway more generally but also Moredun and its SEFARI partners including SRUC and the James Hutton Institute.
Tim has been a member of the Moredun Foundation for over 25 years.