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Test Before You Treat – Argyllshire

Event date: Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Event location: Dunadd, Lochgiphead, Argyll, Pa31 8QE


Free event for farmers

Booking information:

Are you worried about anthelmintic resistance on your farm and how to deal with it in an ever-changing climate?

Scotland’s Farm Advisory Service have aranged and event at Dunadd Farm in Mid Argyll on Tuesday 24th September to hear from Phillip Skuce of Moredun Research Institute and Dalriada Vets from Lochgilphead, who will give an insight into the tests available for fluke and worms.

There will also be an overview of the animal health and welfare options available through Preparing for Sustainable farming (PSF) which can be taken advantage of to test for fluke and worms in your sheep and cattle.

All welcome, please bring suitable outdoor clothing and footwear. Lunch will be provided.

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