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Flock Disease Control Workshops

Event date: Monday, 24 October 2022

Event location: County Hotel, Stornoway


Farmers and vets

Booking information:

We’re exploring how best to control scab and roundworms in sheep on the isle of Harris and Lewis.

Come along to hear about our plans and learn how you can get involved.

This will be followed by a series of interactive workshops:

  • West Harris: Talla na Mara, 24 October, 7-10pm
  • North Lochs: The Old School, Balallan, 25 October, 12-3pm
  • North Lewis: Old School House, 26 October, 12-3pm
  • Stornoway: County Hotel, 27 October, 12-3pm

Food and refreshments will be provided at the workshops

Please book to allow us to plan catering.


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