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Holly Hill


Job Title:
Research Scientist

Contact Number:
0131 4455 111

Moredun Group Pentlands Science Park Penicuik Midlothian EH26 0PZ

Job Role

Holly is a postdoctoral researcher at the Moredun Research Institute, focusing on the development of a recombinant antigen subunit vaccine and companion DIVA (Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals) diagnostics for Chlamydia abortus as part of the Reprodivac project.


Holly is an early-career researcher with a special interest in diagnostic and vaccine development for infectious reproductive diseases in livestock. She earned a BSc (Hons) in Bioveterinary Sciences from Harper Adams University in 2012 and an MSc in Veterinary Microbiology from the University of Surrey in 2014.

Following her studies, Holly joined the Pirbright Institute, working within the EU and UK Non-Vesicular Reference Laboratory, specialising in diagnostic testing for vector-borne exotic diseases, including Bluetongue and African Swine Fever. She then pursued a PhD in Infection and Immunity at the University of Edinburgh, where she investigated the impact of Atypical Porcine Pestivirus, an emerging pathogen in Great Britain, completing her doctorate in 2022.

After completing her PhD, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Moredun Scientific on the Vaccines Against Streptococcal Infections in Pigs project, characterising the immune response of pigs to a newly developed Streptococcus suis vaccine.

She is also a member of the European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, the International Veterinary Vaccinology Research Network, and the British Standards Institute National Committee AW/469 for animal health diagnostic analyses.

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