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Scientific Papers

Published Year: 2001
  • Ballingall, K.T.,
  • Waibochi, L.,
  • Holmes, E.C.,
  • Woelk, C.H.,
  • MacHugh, N.D.,
  • Lutje, V.,
  • McKeever, D.J.,

Immunogenenetics, 52, pp276-283.

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Published Year: 2000
  • Ballingall, K.T.,
  • MacHugh, N.D.,
  • Taracha, E.L.N.,
  • Mertens, B.,
  • McKeever, D.J.,

European Journal of Immunology, 31, 1, pp82-86

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Published Year: 1998
  • Wyllie, S.,
  • Ashley, R.H.,
  • Longbottom, D.,
  • Herring, A.J.,

Infection and Immunity, 66, 11, pp5202-5207.

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Published Year: 1997
  • Tagliavini, F.,
  • McArthur, R.A.,
  • Canciani, B.,
  • Giaccone, G.,
  • Porro, M.,
  • Bugiani, M.,
  • Lievens, P.M.J.,
  • Bugiani, O,
  • Peri, E.,
  • Dall'ara, P.,
  • Rocchi, M.,
  • Poli, G.,
  • Forloni, G.,
  • Bandiera, T.,
  • Varasi, M.,
  • Suarato, A.,
  • Cassutti, P.,
  • Cervini, M.A.,
  • Lansen, J.,
  • Salmona, M.,
  • Post, C.,

Science, 276, 5315, pp1119-1121

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Published Year: 1969
  • Cancilla, P.A.,
  • Barlow, R.M.,

Acta Neuropathologica, 12, pp307-313

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Published Year: 1967
  • Dickinson, A.G.,
  • Barlow, R.M.,

Veterinary Record, 81, p114

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Published Year: 1967
  • Gardiner, A.C.,

Veterinary Record, 81, p116

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Published Year: 1967
  • Zlotnik, I.,
  • Barlow, R.M.,

Veterinary Record, 81, 2, pp55-56

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Published Year: 1967
  • Renwick, C.C.,
  • Wilkins, J.H.,
  • Bowden, R.S.,
  • Wilkinson, G.T.,

Veterinary Record, 81, 2, pp57-58

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Published Year: 1967
  • Hore, D.E.,
  • Stevenson, R.G.,

Veterinary Record, 80, 1, pp26-27

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Published Year: 1967
  • Stamp, J.T.,

British Medical Bulletin, 23, 2, pp133-137

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Published Year: 1967
  • Biberstein, E.L.,
  • Nisbet, D.I.,
  • Thompson, D.A.,

Journal of Comparative Pathology, 77, 2, pp181-19; IN11-IN13

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