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Scientific Papers

Published Year: 2012
  • Dagleish, M.P.,
  • Stevenson, K.,
  • Foster, G.,
  • McLuckie, J.,
  • Sellar, M.,
  • Harley, J.,
  • Evans, J.,
  • Brownlow, A.,

Journal of Comparative Pathology, 146, 4, 372-377.

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Published Year: 2012
  • Marques, P.X.,
  • O'Donovan, J.,
  • Williams, E.J.,
  • Gutierrez, J.,
  • Worrall, S.,
  • McElroy, M.,
  • Proctor, A.,
  • Brady, C.,
  • Sammin, D.,
  • Bassett, H.,
  • Buxton, D.,
  • Maley, S.,
  • Markey, B.K.,
  • Nally, J.E.,

Veterinary Parasitology, 185, 2-4, pp91-100

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Published Year: 2012
  • Bartely, P.M.,
  • Wright, S.E.,
  • Maley, S.W.,
  • Macaldowie, C.N.,
  • Nath, M.,
  • Hamilton, C.M.,
  • Katzer, F.,
  • Buxton, D.,
  • Innes, E.A.,

Veterinary Research, 43, 38.

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Published Year: 2012
  • Chianini, F.,
  • Fernandez-Borges, N.,
  • Vidal, E.,
  • Gibbard, L.,
  • Pinatado, B.,
  • De Castro, J.,
  • Priola, S.A.,
  • Hamilton, S.,
  • Eaton, S.L.,
  • Finlayson, J.,
  • Pang, Y.,
  • Steele, P.,
  • Reid, H.W.,
  • Dagleish, M.P.,
  • Castilla, J.,

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109, 13, pp5080-5085.

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Published Year: 2012
  • Vougidou, C.,
  • Sandalakis, V.,
  • Psaroulaki, A.,
  • Petridou, E.,
  • Donachie, W.,

Journal of The Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 63, 1, pp13-24.

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Published Year: 2012
  • Martinez-Valladares, M.,
  • Donnan, A.,
  • Geldholf, P.,
  • Jackson, F.,
  • Rojo-Vazquez, F-A.,
  • Skuce, P.,

Veterinary Parasitology, 184, 2-4, pp371-376.

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Published Year: 2012
  • D'Alexis, S.,
  • Mahieu, M.,
  • Jackson, F.,
  • Boval, M.,

Veterinary Parasitology, 184, 2-4, pp384-386

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Published Year: 2012
  • Crouch, C.F.,
  • LaFleur, R.,
  • Ramage, C.,
  • Reddick, D.,
  • Murray, J.,
  • Donachie, W.,
  • Francis, M.J.,

Vaccine, 30, 13, pp2320-2328.

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Published Year: 2012
  • Leach, R.J.,
  • O'Neill, R.G.,
  • Fitzpatrick, J.L.,
  • Williams, J.L.,
  • Glass, E.G.,

PLOS One, 7, 3, e33526.

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Published Year: 2012
  • Leach, R.J.,
  • O'Neill, R.G.,
  • Fitzpatrick, J.L.,
  • Williams, J.L.,
  • Glass, E.G.,

PLOS One, 7, 3, e33526.

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Published Year: 2012
  • Tildesley, M.J.,
  • Gally, D.L.,
  • McNielly, T.N.,
  • Low, J.C.,
  • Mahajan, A.,
  • Savil, N.J.,

Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9, 68, pp518-527.

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Published Year: 2012
  • Hope, J.C.,
  • Sopp, P.,
  • Wattegedera, S.,
  • Entrican G.,

Small Ruminant Research, 103, 1, pp23-27.

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