Moredun, in conjunction with Elanco Animal Health, have released a new, engaging short animation in their entertaining animation series. “Stop the Creeps on Sheep” is a fun way to learn...
Read MoreThe Nematodirus Forecast provided by the Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS) group has been proving invaluable to vets, advisors and farmers, in what has been a slow-but-steady year...
Read MoreMoredun scientists, in conjunction with international colleagues from COMBAR (COMbatting Anthelmintic Resistance in Ruminants), have developed a new animation in their entertaining series. “Test Don’t Guess” takes you through easy...
Read MoreA multinational team of researchers have been awarded €2M from the EU Horizon 2020 network to share knowledge and improve uptake of new digital technologies which will help to increase the efficiency...
Read MoreA new initiative has been launched that uses serological testing to improve the control of sheep scab within hot spot areas in England. A group of experts have recently been successful in a...
Read MoreUsing a faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) to test for wormer resistance on farm is an important step, say the Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS) group –...
Read MoreMoredun Research Institute has signed an agreement with Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) in South Africa to license its bovine Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF) vaccine. This agreement will lead to the...
Read MoreFree service for sheep farmers and advisors could reduce lamb mortality this spring As February has reminded us, the weather in early spring can fluctuate from extreme cold to warm...
Read MoreHer Royal Highness The Princess Royal took part in a special podcast as part of the OnFARM series to launch a new research drive to shed new light on equine...
Read MoreWorming ewes around lambing remains a common practice in UK flocks, but with most sheep farmers now aware that over-use of wormers is a major factor in the development of...
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